dijous, 28 de juny del 2007

My style

Gosh! How I've changed, I was wondering today...!

When I was 15, I used to dream about dark skin guys with dark hair, hazel eyes, cinammon skin,hehe you know, somehow my attention was ready to look for some kind of Will Smith LOL! Then I became a big fan of Backstreetboys ¬¬ (yessh, I have to admited, so what! I was a teenager!) just because Howie Dorough was hot as hell to my eyes. Anywyas, back now, I think he's once and for all not but, what I know, is that I always had a certain fixation for foreigners, therefore, not interested in locals.

Somehow as I got older I discovered 2 things: I like guys with childish faces and BLOND!! :O
Can you believe it? just exactly those who I used, as a teenager, not to be attracked to.

Nowadays I fancy guys like Valentino Rossi or the damn hot Chad Michael Murray but I guess the first one is because of my friend Ruth (she's totally obsessed) and the other one because I'm recently watching too much One Tree Hill!! :P

Changing or not, the truh lies on that at the end, it doesn't count at all the stereotyes you have in your head, what really makes you fall in love stronger than anything is when THAT someone decide to open its heart and be what he is, a wonderful person. : )

Someone told me once, opposites can be attracted, the plain truth!

Yo soy el sur, tú mi norte...

dimarts, 26 de juny del 2007

Cadaqués, cadaqués

Soc una enamorada de Girona en tots els sentits i direccions xDD m'encanta l'interior i el litoral, la Costa Brava, la ciutat, els poblets...

Després de gaire bé dos anys ja és hora de que el menda descobreixi l'altre part de Catalunya que no coneix encara, la dels poblets tradicionals de pescadors. La Girona que m'enamora! Buff tot el que li queda per descobrir!! Quan vingui la finnish family serà un liu, hi ha tantes coses que els hi vull ensenyar, tant per veure i tan pocs dies....! Aix...

Aquest Dissabte marxem de relax a Cadaqués, a torrar-nos al sol mentres fem snorkel per alguna caleta de la vora. Sense deixar-nos per suposat de visitar la casa on va nèixer en Dalí. Tinc unes ganes!! i n'estic segura de que el menda es quedarà bocabadat!! Ara que, creuarem dits que no ens plogui, que el temps últimament està de lo més raro...

Havia pensat d'anar fins al Far de Cap de Creus en tren exprés i anar directament en busca de la Cala Freda però pel que es veu cau molt lluny i no tinc ganes de que ens perdem pel Parc Natural juasjuasjuas que jo i lo que se'n diu orientació... no som gaire compatibles... xD Així que anirem vorejant el poblet en busca de la cala dels nostres somnis!! N'hi han tantes... aviam que tal ens va!

dilluns, 25 de juny del 2007

Fettes Brot

Temazo: Fettesbrot - Emanuela

lass die Finger von Emanuela
lass die Finger von Emanuela
alle Mädels alle Jungs sagen no
deines Lebens wirst du nicht mehr froh

Danke schön Ronja für die CD!! Ich am liebsten es!

diumenge, 24 de juny del 2007

Revetlla de Sant Joan

En resum: sopar amb amics, nova recepta feta per moi: pastís de patata amb salsitxes i formatge fos (foto, i no, no és una crema catalana gegant!), l'assortit de cocktails que anava a preparar el menda no va tenir gaire èxit :(, vem sortir a les quinientes per acabar al Edda Bar xerrant amb la mestressa sobre llegendes vikingues (va molar molt) vem pillar unes Kopparberg de diferents gustos i ens vem ajuntar amb uns amics de la Ruth en un bareto de més a d'alt. A allò de les 4:00 vem decidir anar a la Barceloneta a veure sortir el sol però després de veure el ambientillu de penya molt rara vem pirar cap a casa mirant d'esquivar la multitud. Al metro vem estar al mig d'una batalla sudaca v sudaca, orgullo latino xD i per acabat abans d'arribar a casa vem esmorzar els famosos xurrus amb xocolata calenteta abans de fer nones a les 7.30h del matí.
Penso que al final no va sortir tan malament la cosa encara que hagués estat millor si haguessim fet la ruta pensada pels poblets de Sant Pol, Calella i Pineda de Mar com havíem pensat des d'un principi.

dissabte, 23 de juny del 2007

Johanna Kurkela


Olet uneni kaunein ja suloisin
Niin totta ja harhaa vain kuitenkin
Olet uneni kaunein, mut etäisin

Kaunis laulu!

Juhannus - Sant Joan



From Posio's web cam, Ahola's land. It was 22.07h in Barcelona, getting darker and darker while miles ago, in Posio, it was 23.07h and pretty still shiny. Not yet Juhannus but close.

divendres, 22 de juny del 2007

I - want - you- !

Xafardejant per la xarxa he trobat unes quantes coses que m'han agradat... tinc ganes de comprar-me un vestit i sandàlies altes i mirant mirant... m'he enamorat d'aquests dos articles!! En realitat ho podria tenir tot comprant-ho per internet però no estic del tot segura per si després em queda malament, com tornar-ho i tal. Aquesta tarda, després de la feina marxo d'outlets, aviam si trobo alguna cosa per l'estil. El vestit és de dress-for-less i les sabates venen dels EUA però pel que a mi em sembla, semblen spanish total, oi? segur que en trobo rebuscant per Barcelona : D

dijous, 21 de juny del 2007

Empanadillas al ataque!

Aquest migdia m'ha vingut la inspiració tu, tinc la nevera plena de verdura així que, ja que últimament estic gaudint de més temps lliure m'he decidit a atacar! He pillat una recepta d'internet per fer alguna cosa amb el tou de bledes que tenia i per dinar... he fet crestes amb elles. Tot, tot i absolutament tot ha estat fet per MOI i... després d'haver-ne fet unes 20... a hores d'ara ja no en queda ni una... soc una crack o soc una crack?? :P

Michelle Brunch

Many songs have lot of meaning for me and Good bye to you have been one of them, the last time I listened to it was summer'05, since then no more reasons ...

Libreeee como el Sol cuando amanace yo soy...

Per fi soc lliure!! S'han acabat els exàmens, l'estrès... ara toca la bona vida!! i no tanta... m'he de posar les piles amb el carnet de conduir xD sí, ho sé, porto exactament 3 anys o 4 dient el mateix jo, jo, jo! Aquest cop sí! No m'imagino estant a Rovaniemi a -35ºC nedant entre la neu per poder arribar a la universitat juas juas juas!!! I a més tinc una pila d'idees pensades en quan tingui el carnet... anyways...

Avui m'he aixecat bastant d'hora, he esmorzat al balcó escoltant les orenetes i per acabat faré un parell de tests... fent càlculs, si m'hi poso ara, al Juliol podria pujar a fer l'examen i al menys passo l'Agost fent vacances de veritat y a lo loco!

dimecres, 20 de juny del 2007

The Wreckers

Right now listening...
The Good Kind

'Do you wanna run away together?'
I would say it was your best line ever.
Too bad I fell for it...
And I walked along,
Waiting for you to come along.
Take my tortured heart by the hand.
And write me off.
Do you know I cry?
Do you know I die?
Do you know I cry?
And it's not the good kind...

Hong Kong at home

Ueee més postaletes!! collins! van seguides tu! Al arribar a casa m'he trobat aquesta postal. I la veritat es que és raro, se suposa que em tenia que haver arribat aquesta primer i després la de Tailandia, si malament recordo el viatge ha sigut així... Bueno, també ha sigut 1 dia de diferència...
D'aquí a poquet la neni estarà de relax per les Fidji... aii quina sort té la bandarra!! ja se'n recordarà de mi ja! :P

dimarts, 19 de juny del 2007

Dedicated to SHE

Avui, per fi, m'ha arribat la teva postaleta des de Tailandia!! M'en-can-ta!! i ho saps :P Apa que no vius bé, neni!! Quina zona, quina platgeta, quina aigua!! Ja he vist les teves fotos del safari que vas fer amb elefants, molt, molt xulu! Ara suposo que ja deus estar per les Fidji, oi? si no vas a New Zeland quina parada és la següent?? Em tens expectant! No em diguis que aniràs a San Francisco perquè Maria de les Maites, aquest viatge és el NOSTRE! jijiji

Aquest estiu em trec el carnet, HO JURO!! ja estic fins els pebrots de que passin anys i anys i encara tindre-ho aparcat.

Ja ho saps, 2008 Northen Countries in a caravan la li lo li... quines ganes!! I després San Francisco Sí o Sí!

dilluns, 18 de juny del 2007

Busy Weekend

On Saturday night we went to have a dinner with my classmates from ICT. Each summer we celebrate a dinner to see eachother and chat a lot about how our life have changed since last time we saw. I like it because amazingly many people still come every year. Nobody can take away the good times we've had!

On Sunday we went to a nice restaurant to have a great lunch (i was gonna get sick of eating that much, seriously, after 4 consecutive days eating that much... ) for later on go to Martorell where my parents had to dance Quick Step in a ballroom for professionals. There we were acting as a reporters while everybody were dancing crazily from Country to Vals xD

PS. The pics are from Saturday night, look at the size of the slice of my toast!! I swear I wasn't that hungry! hee hee Un-be-lie-va-ble! and then the funny pic from the bathroom in cataenglish language the Pipi room.

dissabte, 16 de juny del 2007

Party, Party

That's the summary of last night:

First of all we went to Pizza del Born to eat, then to Miramelindo to take some drinks like: Caipiroska, Caipiriña, Agua de València, St. Francisco and 2 Mojito : )
And finally we went to L'Ovella Negra where we played futbolín and drinked beer all night long.

divendres, 15 de juny del 2007

Finnish World Championships ( I I )

That's the other sport where finnards are really good at, wife carrying, LOL
Finnards introduced it in the late 1800s, in Sonkajärvi. Nowadays even other countries like Estonia and EUA practise it and they play in the World Championships in Finland.

The Estonian Style... a bit dangerous for the men, don't you think?

The Finnish Style, the classical

I didn't know about the whole thing until I saw the video. Enjoy it!

dijous, 14 de juny del 2007

Greatest improvised dinner

As I wrote weeks ago my finnish friend, Jonna, was coming soon, nowadays she's already here. At the moment I'm in exams and usually after work I plan my evening studying as much as possible. I was wondering to meet them just on Friday to party somewhere but as tomorrow I was gonna have an easy exam... what the hell! I went straight to mee them in the city center.

What I thought it was gonna be just a drink and going back home at 9pm at the latest turned into 00.30h, already midnight... ¬¬U

but you know, I passed such a great time with them!

There we were: The two couples Juho + Jonna and Janne + Essi and the mixted the better :P Markus and me. 5 finnards and a catalan girl. And again I felt like the queen of the night hehe. I dunno why but I love to be between foreigners.

After our drinks we finished the night (at least Markus and me) having a full dinner of tapas and sangría at the Restaurant "Los Toreros" which i'm really proud to have taken them there.
They just loved it!

The anecdote of the night: They haven't eaten before mussels, they even didn't know how to open them !¡¿? W-E-I-R-D! Eventually their opinions about their new taste were 50% loving it and 50% hating it because it doesn't look good and it's slimy. Oh well!

(I will put the pics here someday!)

Fazer Chocolates

And if I think about it I think there is no day in my life without eating something sweet. Addicted to sugar.
The first time I went to Finland I met several new stuff, and one was the finnish brand FAZER. Me and my friend started to buy one of each type of Fazer chocolates until I found my favourite one. Geisha, which it has nothing to do with Asia.

Jonna brought me what I'm obsessed of, she always manage to give me or send me some Geishas ^^. She was just exactly how I met her the first time such a cool, funny, open-minded, talktive and nice person as she always is : )


dimarts, 12 de juny del 2007

Rovaniemi a Tv3

Aquesta nit, en concret, a les 21.40h, s'emet per Tv3 el programa Afers Exteriors, un programa dedicat en destinacions turístiques on el propi presentador viatja fins al país per presentar-lo en primera persona.

Avui, en concret li toca el torn a Finlàndia, i per a més coincidència passa per Rovaniemi, destí clau.

El programa el presenten així:

L'"Afers exteriors" viatja a Finlàndia per conèixer el Pare Noel. Finlàndia és un dels països més rics del món, i a la vegada un dels llocs on els índexs de suïcidis són més alts. Allà, Miquel Calçada seguirà la petjada del Pare Noel fins a arribar a Lapònia, on viu aquest personatge, i l'acompanyarà un dels seus follets. A més, provarà el mitjà de transport més habitual dels hiverns durs d'aquestes terres del nord: les motos de neu. Per activar la circulació i relaxar-se farà sauna i "avanto" amb un arquitecte i s'endinsarà en la història finlandesa amb un joier jubilat que ha trobat el seu espai a Soklot. Però descobrirà que als llocs on sembla que tot rutlla amb un engranatge perfecte, també hi ha presons de màxima seguretat. En visitarà una per assistir a una classe d'idiomes.

Per a encuriosits: Afers Exteriors

Finnish World Championships ( I )

The other day I found out this on the internet. Apparently Finland is not really good in any sports so they decided to search for what they could be THE BEST. This one is an example, and of course it had to be about SAUNA.

My experience in being in a sauna is that I love it but, gosh I cannot stand there longer than 10 min and sometimes not even so! Here, people doesn't really know how saunas work and normally they don't turn it on that hot so more or less I could pass over 10 min without any problem. I thought I was already use to it. I THOUGHT. Last summer I've tried the real one, let's say it better this way, the PREHISTORIC ONE! hehehe and... it was hot as hell!! I had to carry with me a bucket with the coolest water an put my head on it all the time so I could be able to breath and stay! I can remember the air, it was too hot to breath it xDD And of course, I scaped from there after less than 5 min!!

This is the video, enjoy it!
(Listen please to the distinct accent of the finnard :) )

dissabte, 9 de juny del 2007


Those are my 2 pictures
taken today from the Edinburgh web cam. The first one is from Princess Street, the most famous and comercial street in Edinburgh and the other I think it's been taken from the castle.

Apparently Clickair is gonna open a new route.

At last Barcelona - Edinburgh!

For the first time direct and faster, without having to stop in London. I was wondering to go some weekend about the middle of July but the flight is not open until August, and then I'm gonna be really busy... anyways!

All that to say that I really miss my times back in Edinburgh town...

What had happened to Winner Taco?

Sometimes I like to talk about stupid things such as that one and today is the day.

Frigo, the well known ice cream brand in Spain, started selling this incredible ice cream around when I was 14. It was my favourtie. And suddently one summer it disappeared, they decided to stop selling it.
I dunno what really makes deciding such things without considering the part of the population who's agaisnt it! We don't have anything like this nowadays... Ice cream that mixed biscuit, caramel, chocolate, cream and peanuts...

In days like today doing nothing but studying I'd like to buy one and eat it little by little, just like before...

divendres, 8 de juny del 2007

These days, Thailand

she's missing us as much as we do

Maite and Pat, somewhere from Thailand

I checked already my email and I've got some news from Maite. She's having her greatest times in Thailand. Awesome pictures, trust me!! Un-be-lie-va-ble!! I so envy you!! :P And look at her skin, so tanned, so happy! who wouldn't be?? SO STUNNING!

I miss her a lot, but what the hell, she's having the best holidays ever and if I was she I wouldn't want to leave!! Oh by the way, her next stop Fidji Islands!!

La madre que la parió! jiji

dijous, 7 de juny del 2007

According to Mercer Human Resources...

... the average of public holiday is 34. We should be glad of not being the last ones this time. We receive 36 days' holiday, 2 days more than the average. Those crossing the limit downwards are countries like UK with just 28 (surprise, surprise), Romania, Ireland and The Netherlands. The incredible result is when you look a bit farther and there it comes, Finnards benefit with 44 days' holiday!! Followed by France (amazingly) and Lithuania with 40 and Austria with 38.

Finnish Goverment ROCKS!!

Mediterranean Diet

After studying there is nothing else better than a delicious meal. I'm sturbing! That's what I'm gonna eat for my lunch today (that's just the main course eh!!) a salad with many things such as: endives, green tomatoes from Montserrat, tuna, asparagus, green olives, cheese, apples and the best of best its dressing: olive oil, vinegar from Modena, salt and a bit of pepper! As a second course I've got grilled hake and finally as a desert some medlars while I watch One Tree Hill before going to work so... not so bad today eh!

I will need energy to come back and study some more later...

Bon profit!
Buen provecho!
Enjoy your meal!
Guten Appetit!
Bon appetit!
Hyvää Ruokahalua!

Full House

Yep, I used to watch this serie in spanish dub when I was little.
Full House was translated into Padres Forzosos which doesn't mean at all what in english is. I used to love it, I think it was on Thuesdays at 9pm and there I was hooked watching it in the sofa with my mum.

Great times!

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2007


I woke up already lazy, I've got lot's of things to study, next week the great final... give me power!!

Oh, by the way, that one yawning is my cat INKA, this is my way to introduce you to her, she's The Queen of LazysssS.

Did you ever think that sometimes pets look like their owners?

Maybe today is my case. ; )

dimarts, 5 de juny del 2007

From the far far east

Today I found two postcards in our letter box!! ^^ and I love it!!

One is from Maite, from China, I don't know if she is still there, I think it's suppose to be in Vietnam already, dunno... she's having lots of fun, lucky herrr I can't wait to see her back! xP

And the other one is a bit from the east as well but a little bit up on the north, in Lapland... from Hannu telling us how is the weather like in Inari, because he's there now.

At last... we've been to Edda Bar!!



I have to admit it, I love swedish cider!! The pear flavoured one which is completely different from the one made in Asturias.

They serve as well homemade finnish Salmiakkilakritsi and tastes horrible... Also, they used to have Lapin Kulta olut but after the ice hockey league... they run out of it, amazing, can you imagine? Barcelona was probably full of finnish hooligans wanting tones of beer xDD

Anyway... we spent a great time that one night, the waitresses are really friendly and the owner as well. Apparently they are expecting to open a little nordic supermarket just with products from the Scandinavian Countries at the begining of Autum.

Cannot imagine myself buying fazer chocolates, rieska, leipäjuusto, etc... that near to home :D