dimecres, 25 de juliol del 2007

I believe in a thing called love

The funniest song I ever heard and its video such a wierd thing... have a look please,

diumenge, 22 de juliol del 2007

Ruth in Canada

It seems like everyone else BUT me is having such an awesome holidays... grgrgr :P bastards...
Maite in San Francisco, San Diego or LA dunno exactly where, let's say California and Ruth is right now going towards Canada!!! In fact to Toronto where she's gonna stay for 3 weeks.
Her plan is to visit Montréal as well, she might see Quebéc also(would be wonderful) meet new people and live new experiences while practicing her english.
Such a lucky people! I'll be more than happy, at least, watching their pics... snif!

Tough, 2008 it's going to be MY year, I'll fly away at last ... and then I'll start my trip maybe without ending...

Estiu a Piera Village

Primers tomàquets Ca'l Bosch (Piera Village) xD
Des que hem fet l'hortet que estic encantada com pagès al seu camp...
I després 1000 hores a la piscineta fent de marquesa, que m'encanta

PD. Fixeu-vos en l'aranya que hi ha a la Lavanda... la veieu?? de color rosa que l'amor s'hi posa! raro, raro, rarooo

divendres, 20 de juliol del 2007


Listening Corinne Bailey Rae. Today I found out she sang in Razzmatazz Barcelona on March 28th ssssssshit! Quite late to know... I'd love to see her in live!

My personal best hits of her:

Put your records on
Trouble sleeping


I left my heart in San Francisco...

Yes!! My friend Maite is yet in San Francisco!
And passed by the magnificent Golden Gate.
Today her 2 last postcards arrived at homie. One from the natives of Fiji and the other one from SF. My wall is full of her beautiful postcards. Counting 8 altogether.

dijous, 19 de juliol del 2007


At last he's back with all the luggage full of presents: chocolates (Dumle mango, original and lakritsi puajssss and Geisha), a bracellet and earrings, lots of pictures and videos etc.

Anyways, there is nothing else better than to have my toyboy around <3

dissabte, 14 de juliol del 2007

My Yesterday's report

Yesterday I plan on to go to the beach after work with Ruth. I was exhausted, last night i slept just 5 hours but I wanted to go to Sant Pol to get suntanned while I sleep :P

At Estació de Sants I met a Dutch family trying to get the way to Santa Susanna, obviously they were lost and even more when the Customer Attendant was explaining the whole thing in spanish. I cut in the nonsensical discussion to save them from the pathetic service we have to deal in Spain every single day and I went with them all the trip, anyhow we all were going to the same direction.

After an hour and 20 min of train and a little walk I reached the creek where we've been first time. I thought there was gonna be someone but I was completely alone, once more Ruth was late grgr. The water was crystal clear and warmer than last time. I was letting the sun touch my back while I was reading my book, completely out in heaven when suddenly someone came to disturb me trying to persuade me to buy his damnit DvD's (who the hell in this world would buy f*!@" movies in the beach, what's the point ??!!) Anyways... I didn't go to swim until Ruth came, in case acting the mermaid I could drown instead... jujuju! Then, after Ruth's visit a group of teen girls came around to bother us breaking our peace. Later on we decided to leave the beach to walk around the beautiful village... I wish I could live there... white houses looking at the sea... small streets full of flowers... mMm... I bought new white menorquines and eat banana - peach ice crem... yep!

divendres, 13 de juliol del 2007


dimecres, 11 de juliol del 2007

From New Zeland with all my love

Yesterday there was a paper from the Post Office at my door to inform me that I had to pick up something coming from New Zeland. I was thunderstruck, I didn't know what could it be and who the hell was the sender. New Zeland?? - I wonder, I've got nothing related with it, wish it so though.
At first, I thought in Maite, she's right now having fun in Fiji, and "its pretty close" (yeah pretty close, maybe 2000 km away, who knows LOL) then I thought in the shopping I did last day, June 28. But it was gonna come from USA if I remember correctly.
So then... there I was, at work eating my nales, praying to the clock to turn my time to go wondering what could it be.

It's priceless the feeling I get when there is something for me in my post, and moreover if the thing comes from an exotic and beautiful foreing place. I went to the Post Office excited to know the truth and here we go! MYSELF WAS THE SENDER! what I thought was coming from USA came from NZ... how weird, I would say USA is closer to Spain than NZ is but... anyways, Amazon did a great job. Everything was saved and I've got it quicklier than I thought.

And the best thing: I've got the One Tree Hill 1st, 2nd and 3rd season!!! Yuhuuuuuuuuu!
Now that I'm alone at home, having all the sofa for myself, the DVD's and fresh strawberries to eat and no one disturbing this precious moment, i seized the opportunity to watch as many DVD's time gives me :P

I put a Do not disturb for today fellows!! ; ) Time to watch the handsome Lucas :P

dimarts, 10 de juliol del 2007

Como los Olivos

Temazo: Como los Olivos - Bebe

Yo soy del sur tú eres del norte,
no hablamo el mismo idioma pero haremo q no importe,

porque te robaré hasta el alma,
te enseñaré a bailar,
que te voy a dar mi piel hasta hacerte enloquecer

Ruth's Bday in Costa del Maresme

Aixx... com dir-ho... NO -TINC-PARAULES!!
Aquest cap de setmana ha sigut es-pec-ta-cu-lar!!

En fi, intentaré resumir-ho el millor possible:
Divendres després de la feina vaig quedar amb la Ruth per anar a dinar a un japo, buuuf quin mono tenia!! Vem anar al restaurant Una mica de Japó del C. Muntaner. Em va encantar, vem jalar vento amb tot de cosetes: truita dolça, algues amb mongetes, arrós amb espècies nipones, esberginia, tempura, carn... etc i empanadilles japoneses que estaven...!!!
Al acabar, per païr bé, vem anar al Tokio-Ya, un reconegut supermercat nipó on ens van voler timar passant els meus manjus per mochis... cabrons!! Aquests si que els hi fotia jo balins pel cul!! grgrg (el de maduixa va ser innoblidable, per cert!)
Poc després vem pirar cap a Pineda de Mar, d'on és la Ruth, per celebrar el seu cumple a partir de mitjanit. Moment regal: Kafka a la platja i llibret de conversació japonesa (repe per 3 vegades
, merda! xD)

Dissabte de molta platgeta i relax. Portava temps amb ganes de conèixer el poble d'un dels meus llibres preferits, Un estiu amb l'Anna, i no recordo gaire però alguna cosa em deia que m'anava a agradar aquell poble que tant anomenaven al llibre. I no anava mal encaminada. Un poblet petit, de pescadors, amb el seu encant, ben conservat, platges i cales de somni... ara em donc conte de que realment no cal una Menorca o un Carib. Aquí a Catalunya, ho tenim TOT, sembla mentida passar-me gairebé 24 estius sense haber conegut encara el paradís que tenim. Només cal que passegis la mirada una estona per les fotos d'aquest dia.
Tot seguit vem marxar cap a casa a dinar i migdiadeta bona : ) Per la tarda vem pillar les bicis i a tirar milles de Pineda de Mar fins a Malgrat de Mar. (Al Maresme a partir de Mataró tots els poblets acaben amb de mar, com si la resta de pobles no tinguessin de mar ?¿ RA-RO!) Semblava que anessim de Guiri-Vila a Guirilàndia (amb lletres majúscules) contra més pobles anavem passant.
És una pena el mal que fa un turisme massiu poc controlat com el que tenim en aquesta zona, atiborrada d'hotels de poca monta aixecats a on abans hi havien hagut amplis conrreus... menys mal que en llocs com a Sant Pol no han deixat fotre-hi mà.
Per la nit, vem fer un tomb pel poble, la gent del poble a una banda i els guiris a un altre... d'això se li en diu integració, integration.

Diumenge ja va colmar les meves espectatives. Matí de guerra a Santa Susanna. En comptes de paintball vem jugar a touchball, - ok. Al principi tot era maco, nosaltres erem 9, ells 11, hi havia bon rotllo... no ens coneixíem... fins que va començar la guerra de veritat. Des d'un bon principi en teoria els balins feien punts NOMÉS a l'esquena i al pit, portavem unes dianes ben forrades que marcaríen poc després els punts. La penya es va començar a desfassar, ja no valia només l'esquena i el pit, ja era a mort, al coll, cap, mans, cames... llocs on per molt peto monstruós que portessim estaven desprovistos de protecció.
Un cabronàs del equip contrari em va veure en un moment de despiste i el cabró es va flipar tirant-me balins quan ja feia hores que era morta ¬¬ fill de p... 2 jocs més i vaig acabar 2 cartuxos i mig en ell xDD al final va ser una batalla campal de les bones, anavem a per totes xDD! El meu equip, els blaus varem guanyar!! Com a premi, el nostre picnic dels guapos. El novio de la cosina de la Ruth és un fora de serie, es va emportar la nevera sensera i part del super xDD i per finalitzar el peazo cap de setmana, un altre cop vem anar a les magnífiques platgetes de Sant Pol de Mar, que em tenen robat el cor!!

Gràcies per tot Ruth!! T'has currat moltíssim el cap de setmana i el teu cumple neni!!

divendres, 6 de juliol del 2007

Hermanas de la Tierra

Per fi he acabat avui de llegir aquesta novela!
Si el que busques és un llibre espiritual i positiu millor que miris de llegir-ne un altre.
Rani Manicka narra de manera original però cruel i profunditza amb masses detalls sobre la facilitat a la que estem exposats, de vegades, a traspassar els límits i entrar en el món del descontrol.

dimecres, 4 de juliol del 2007


Right now he must be flying somewhere around Catalunya to leave the country soon going towards a northest air, a place called in its own language SUOMI.
I'm glad for mun pieni murmeli, he's gone to surprise his mother and sister. Have lots of fun with his friends and so on...

Fly, fly away...

I'm gonna miss you trocet de sucre!

dimarts, 3 de juliol del 2007

She's in Camboya

Today I received her amazing postcard from Cambodia... time is running out for her as for us... but after that great big trip of she how could someone end it up when you know someday you will have to face the real world?? Home... sweet home... (I wouldn't be that sure) Must be hard after several months being in your incredible holidays...

Hyvää Syntymäpäivää Markus!!!

Swans of fate
age and time
body and soul
flying towards the sky
destination beyond the rainbow


diumenge, 1 de juliol del 2007

Perfect Weekend in Cadaqués

Snorkling between fishes, relaxing in a cala just for us, eating a crêppe in a nice terrace, walking around the beautiful village and later on at night... BÄRTOMNING at Edda!! meet Dani and his girlfriend there and other kind of people such a spanish-swedish from Mallorca but who passed all his life in Göteborg and nowadays living in Granollers, a swedish guy from Stockholm wanting to travel around South America (dunno why he was in BCN then he probably was so blind drunk already) and a finnish guy from Helsinki half finnish, half spanish and arabic :S While drinking all types of Kopparberg :P is priceless!