dijous, 30 d’agost del 2007

Las bolitas se las lleva el viento

Decirme abuela, patosa, gafe, todo lo que queráis. A mi no me pasan cosas más raras porque senzillamente ES IM-PO-SI-BLE. Esta tarde han venido unos amigos a casa a tomar unas cervezas y a mi me ha dao por preguntar si querían jugar al Bingo. Sí, de yayos, lo sé, pero que quieres que te diga, me lo llevé al piso y ahí está muerto de asco. Nada más coger la puñetera bolsa de las bolas, vale, no era la típica bolsa de tela, sinó de plástico ahí estaba el fallo, se ha roto al microsegundo y no me ha dao tiempo de reaccionar. Me he quedao con la cara de tonta viendo caer 65 malditas pelotitas (porque al rato me ha dao por contarlas a carcajadas) impotente al no poder coger más que el resto. Lo primero que he pensado es en la cara del vecino que se le habrá puesto al ver por su balcón llover pelotillas de plástico amarillas jajajajaja! Es que ahora, señores, me descojono pero que cague he pasado!!

Luego, algo remolona yendo escaleras pa' bajo he decidido llamar al timbre del pobre vecino con mi cara de no haber roto nunca un plato para que me diera mis bolas xD y como se lo iba yo a pedir??? - Em... disculpe, que tal?? (sonrisa despampanante de aquí no ha pasado nada) verá, se me han caído ciertas pelotillas... QUE NO HAY PELOTAS HOMBRE! (le decía a mi amiga) - No puedo decirle eso! En fin, tanto rollo, para que luego no haya vecinos por la costa!! Me volví pa casa.

Me pregunto en estos momentos cuando cojones podré adentrarme en su replano a pedirle mis bolitas de Bingo...

Crazy flight tickets

Com pot ser possible que viatjar més lluny acabi sortint més barato??? No hi ha qui ho pilli...
Aquest matí, fent que treballava molt, he estat en busca i captura de bitllets per anar a Edinburgh pel pont de la Mercè. I, al veure i comparar preus BCN-EDI, BCN-HEL he flipat.

Exemple de Clickair que té la fabulosa ruta directe BCN-EDI:

BCN-EDI puja a l'escandalosa xifra de 224€ mentres que
BCN-HEL puja a 91,5€
(Oju al datu que a la web diu que ven BCN-EDI des de 20€ i BCN-HEL des de 40€)

Com pot ser que anar a 2080 km de distància sigui més car que anar a 3030?? que algú m'ho expliqui perquè jo no ho entenc! ¬¬

A més a més, la xifra es desorbita al fer el càlcul amb companyies com BA o IB arribant a demanar 400€ en seient turista per arribar a Escòcia. Ho trobo una passada, per la època que és i per la distància. Ni que marxés a Cuba!!

Question of the day: who the hell in this world get such a cheap flight ticket?¿?¿ I've never been able. And I think is just a trick from the low cost airlines to make customers think they are gonna get always the cheapest when, at the end, you are paying almost the same without no right in case you have any problem.

dimecres, 29 d’agost del 2007


So... yes, eating pepparkakor, and watching Karakia is how I pass an evening like today. Karakia is one of my favourite programms since when it started, 2000, in the catalan tv (TV3).
It's all about international cuisine. A foreigner that lives in Catalunya, married with a catalan person, shows the traditional recipies and other things from the own country cooking at home.

Actualitzat 6/11/07
Info sobre el dia que van emetre el capítol sobre la Comunitat Nòrdica:

I el seu video en català

Little things

I've never been to Sweden yet. But I'm already crazy about two little things. Their cider, as all you know, and the original Pepparkakor (swedish tea biscuits). This evening I went to Ikea, I needed some things from there and couldn't pass by the little market to buy one packet.
MmMmM enjoying it right now...

dilluns, 27 d’agost del 2007

Mixed-nationality marriages in Finland...

...are increasing according what it says in Helsingin Sanomat.


I'm wondering if finnish-spanish mix is that common... gosh!
Don't ask me what I'm doing right now reading things like this at this time and knowing tomorrow is Monday and someone have to go to work... grgrgr

divendres, 24 d’agost del 2007

Without time...

How nice is to have hosts at homie... no time at all for your own life
A big reason to stay away that long time from my beloved blog...
Hopefully I'll be writing back crazily my little fellows... just give me a bit of time... ; )

dijous, 16 d’agost del 2007

Trouble sleeping

Following the last post from today... My instructions didn't help to myself, funny eh! Right, I cannot sleep and I don't know why :(
And the whole situation is ridiculous , I know, you know and everybody know it!

You start by doing 3 big mistakes:
Watching the clock, Thinking about tomorrow, And counting the hours to go

Then trying to sleep take a turn for a huge fight with oneself. And the time is your biggest enemy. It rings 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 and at 6:00 the alarm slap in your face passing the sentence.

The video from Mr. Bean tells you with lots of humour exactly to what, unfortunately, everybody pass by in a life moment.

Bye bye holiday time...

I don't know why, but I hate this feeling. You know, almost all Sundays in my life I feel the same, like kind of melancholic. And the thing is the weekends end too fast, they are too short or I do too many things. I think like one workmate I have, Sundays and Monday shouldn't exist ever!!
And moreover when we are talking about ho-li-days! The feeling I get knowing that the next day I will have to assume the real life... such a depressive moment... sometimes I think it would be better to don't have holidays at all but when I really think of those who can't really afford even a day off then I realize that this sad times have to go away. Life is not that hard if you have a little bit of hope and faith.

Bar hopping

Look at what I found today! On 13th of August, Santi's Blog, Big in Finland
talked about my recent discover, the unic nordic bar at ciutat comptal : )
It's kinda weird to see my pics in other's blog, but I like it.
Sabías que me iba a hacer mucha ilu Santi! ; )

dissabte, 4 d’agost del 2007

Presents with love

This is one of the presents I got on my 24th birthday. Since Eva, the owner of Edda Bar, has told me about some incredible stories about vikings (while drinking my pear Koppard) I've been wanting to read some about.

It's unfair, in my opinion, to study at school every single year the same things from Egypt to Greece, then Roma, Romanic, Gotic, Renaisence... etc and yes, of course, about the ibers but like there was nobody else in the whole world. Other cultures, ways of life, bla bla bla. They tell nothing about Chinese dynasties, celthic civilizations, mayas, inkas, almost nothing about arabians and even less about the viking era.

At least, now I will know something about real vikings and how they changed the world with their aspirations.

"Los vikingos son los principales protagonistas del libro, que combina la descripción con la experiencia vivida. El relato no solo habla de las tierras nórdicas, sino también de la poco conocida aportación de los vikingos a España. Para ello relata un recorrido por la península de Jutlandia y todas las islas que hoy conforman el territorio de lo que hoy es Dinamarca. El vikingo Rorik Seisdedos, mensajero de palabras, y el hispano Alí el Tortosí, embajador del reino de Tortosa, emprenden un viaje apasionante lleno de aventuras por las tierras danas. Diez siglos después, Jos Martín repite ese viaje imaginario. En la trama aparecen personajes legendarios como Harald Dienteazul, fundador de la dinastía más antigua de Europa; o Bjørn Costadodehierro, que se atrevió a atacar Sevilla y la asoló durante días; o Freydis, la fiera niña de Erik el Rojo; o el cervecero Carlsberg, los cineastas C. T. Dreyer y Lars von Trier, y la reina Margarita. También hay un capítulo dedicado a Hans Christian Andersen -de quien el 2 de abril de 2005 se cumplen 200 años de su nacimiento- en el que se hace un análisis psicológico para comprender mejor sus cuentos."

divendres, 3 d’agost del 2007

Tänä on mun syntymäpäivä

2-4!! Time goes by soo quickly! Remember to enjoy as much as posible 'cos life is so short! Since I jumped to 20's, at the beginning, I felt a bit annoyed at passing the teenager times , being older, and older, and older. Nowadays I think it doesn't matter the age, what it matters is what you do while years pass by and how you feel with yourself, with everything, with your life. Trying to do different things, reach your goals, and above all, enjoy the little things of life.