dijous, 7 de juny del 2007

Mediterranean Diet

After studying there is nothing else better than a delicious meal. I'm sturbing! That's what I'm gonna eat for my lunch today (that's just the main course eh!!) a salad with many things such as: endives, green tomatoes from Montserrat, tuna, asparagus, green olives, cheese, apples and the best of best its dressing: olive oil, vinegar from Modena, salt and a bit of pepper! As a second course I've got grilled hake and finally as a desert some medlars while I watch One Tree Hill before going to work so... not so bad today eh!

I will need energy to come back and study some more later...

Bon profit!
Buen provecho!
Enjoy your meal!
Guten Appetit!
Bon appetit!
Hyvää Ruokahalua!

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Has tret una foto de l'amanida? a mi no m'enganyeesss. jejej uff acabo de dinar...
No hi ha res millor com la dieta mediterranea.

Enkeli ha dit...

Shiiii, quina fricada, oi?? doncs al final m'he deixat la meitat ¬¬ es que m'he passat!! juas juas juas
eh! però agustíssim m'he quedat!